How should entrepreneurs overcome imposter syndrome or impostorism?

Imposter syndrome
Business Strategies

Imposter syndrome, is one of the problems many entrepreneurs, startups and even developed and successful companies face with these days. Simply put, Imposter Syndrome is what makes you feel deficient in your field, despite your real abilities and skills. This contradiction occurs especially during presenting skills and causes you a lack of confidence.

This situation may be familiar to you. If so, you, like many others, have experienced Imposter Syndrome. It may take some time to find the right understanding of this syndrome, but it is important to become familiar with it and to understand the effects it will have on your efforts. Entrepreneurs often find themselves in such situations, and as a result, it becomes necessary for them to learn techniques to deal with the syndrome. Overcoming this obstacle is an unavoidable step for entrepreneurs who need to grow and build self-confidence. stay with Retiba.

What is impostorism?

Many people have Imposter syndrome. Even successful entrepreneurs who have been working in their field for years may have experienced this syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a condition in which a person feels that despite their skills and abilities, they are pretending or that they have achieved their position more by luck than judgment. The worst side effect of Imposter Syndrome is that the person feels unworthy of what he or she has gained, and as a result, experiences a lack of self-confidence.

As it turns out, Imposter syndrome can be devastating and have a negative effect on a person’s performance and success. But in fact almost all entrepreneurs have more or less experienced this situation or are still experiencing it; Typically, people who are constantly trying to grow, improve their position, and achieve success. Along the way, these people are often challenged by the importance of their success and achievement, and feel their skills and efforts are worthless. In fact, if you are not experiencing Imposter Syndrome, it is most likely because you are not trying to move forward and have been staying in their comfort zone!

How to deal with Imposter syndrome for entrepreneurs

When you start a new business or use a new method or way of thinking, you can’t be too sure of the final result. Usually, the harder the challenge, the less likely you are to succeed. So it’s natural to be skeptical of your success if you’re not ready.

But just a few steps back. When you take the first steps to reach the position you are in now; Did you consider yourself worthy to reach such a position? At what stage can you consider yourself worthy of what you receive? Unlike school, life is not divided into several distinct stages, and at the end of each stage there is no test to determine your level of readiness. In real life, there is no standard for determining and proving skills, and it is up to you to believe in your skills in some way.

For example, an entrepreneur may create and develop his own business based on branding techniques. Such a person certainly did not have much self-confidence about success at the starting point and when they did not have enough experience and knowledge. Although after a few years and various successes, they will have enough self-confidence, there is no particular point or moment in which a person claims to have fully mastered their business. Success and advancement take place over time, and it is clear that most of the time a person will constantly feel deficient in experience, knowledge, or skill. Just like when an entrepreneur is going to introduce themselves to a few people for the first time. Almost all entrepreneurs feel that they have nothing significant to offer at the moment and that is the Imposter Syndrome they are consciously or unconsciously experiencing. However, their knowledge, skills, and experiences meet expectations, at least at an intermediate level. Sometimes, even when dealing with ordinary people and non-specialists, you may experience feelings of inadequacy and lack of information. While on average, each person can have more information than 95% of the people by just reading a few books and articles in one field and can easily speak for them!

Therefore, an entrepreneur who may have just entered the field of work and has little experience is still very knowledgeable in comparison to other people and will be much more specialized than those who have not experienced such a thing before.

How should an entrepreneur deal with Imposter Syndrome?

There are two ways to deal with this problem. The first way is to get to know the process well and embrace it. It is important to acknowledge that imposter syndrome is due to growth and development. So it is better to learn to accept and face these changes and the feelings that are instilled in you during it. So you need to be aware of this feeling and not let the feeling of lack of skill and incompetence overwhelm you.

The second solution is to be honest with yourself about what you know and what you don’t know. You need to learn not to be ashamed of what you don’t know, and more importantly, not to present what you don’t know instead of presenting what you know! You can also point out your level of awareness and mastery in some way, to increase your sense of confidence in what you are saying. For example, you can say due to my months or years of experience in this field, I think … In fact, by acknowledging your skill level and mastery of a field, you relieve the psychological pressure and pretense of self-assurance and make sure that your skill level is fully consistent with the expectations you create in the audience. This solution can also be a way to show the experience and credibility of your conversations. That is, you fully support your success and your position in the face of your own or others’ doubts, with full confidence and with the best of your efforts and experience.

Eventually, keep in mind that even the most experienced people may suffer from Imposter Syndrome at their work. So you can’t expect to experience and grow in new fields without experiencing such a feeling. If you do not face such a challenge, it is probably because you are not trying hard enough to move forward.

Why should all businesses have a strategy? A business that lacks a realistic strategy to achieve the goal is actually based on dreams and aspirations! This means that the entrepreneur will probably start moving by considering the final position of his company and hopes that things will proceed naturally without having a clear plan to reach that position. read more in this article ” What is a business strategy and why should it be given special attention?

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