useless idea : Innovation with the help of innovative but useless ideas

useless idea
Business Strategies

In today’s world, efficiency, pragmatism and purposefulness are the main philosophy of businesses on the market; an environment in which daydreaming is usually abandoned and only efficient and profitable ideas are dealt with. Many people believe that in order to run a business or develop any idea in the right direction, a specific and realistic goal must be considered. This mindset seems to be quite logical, at least in the highly competitive market of developed countries, but there are also people who believe conversely. what is useless idea ?

Humanity needs practical men who do most of the hard work and pursue their own interests by remembering the right way. At the same time, humanity needs dreamers; those who are so interested in entrepreneurship and idea generation that their own interests are not their priority.

These are the words of Marie Curie, the only winner of two Nobel Prizes in history.

Invented the first television with an useless idea

Zworykin, a Russian scientist who fled Russia to the United States in the early 20th century had such an opposing idea. He pursued his dream of building and inventing various devices. One of his experimental devices was a vacuum tube that was to be used to record radio waves and convert them into images. The tube broke due to an accident and its unusual loud sound caused the Russian immigrant to be detained. This series of events indirectly affected the judgment of investors and his pure idea was left without any support. This situation continued until a decade later, when another Russian immigrant found his useless idea prone to future success. Finally, with the development of Zworykin’s original non-functional dreamy idea, the first television was invented.

About John von Neumann

 John von Neumann was in a similar situation. He, who was able to publish his first prestigious academic paper at the age of 17, was opposed by his father, who was a successful, famous, wealthy banker with a goal-oriented mindset. Johnny was interested in mathematics and wanted to continue his studies in this field, but his father was afraid that he, like that of many scientists, would end up having a life of poverty and discredit. So Johnny’s father did his best to dissuade his young son from pursuing this path, despite his great talent for mathematics. Eventually, Johnny continued his way, resulting in two degrees in chemical engineering and mathematics. Of course, Johnny still did not do well in practical work and in the laboratory, which led him to become known as a leading mathematician in the world. One of the most important achievements of Johnny was the design of game theory at the age of 25, which is used to understand economic behaviors such as stock index fluctuations in the stock market.

Many of the developments in science and technology have been the result of the great efforts of a number of people to discover a law in nature or to invent a device without pursuing a specific goal. The radio, officially introduced to the world by Marconi, for example, is based on years of effort by two famous scientists, Maxwell and Hertz, who discovered the laws and principles of electromagnetic waves. These scientists did not seek to apply their ideas, but they worked only out of curiosity and personal interest.

Neumann and Einstein preferred to think only of discovering laws and inventions

Meanwhile, there were people who set up special institutions for those with brilliant ideas to provide a suitable environment for their unconditional activities. People like von Neumann and Einstein preferred to think only of discovering laws and inventions without spending time and energy teaching or publishing articles and recording their studies. In fact, it was at one of these institutions that the idea of ​​the Zworykin vacuum tube was developed by von Neumann and turned into a computer that could store programs.

Is Steve Jobs a successful engineer or a businessman or artist?

If the founders of these institutions were alive today, they would certainly be talking about Steve Jobs and what he has created. To them, Steve Jobs was probably not a successful engineer, but a businessman or artist, just like Marconi. Steve Jobs combined the discoveries, inventions and innovative ideas of his time to create an efficient and completely different product. The first computers were made in a similar manner. The work of mathematicians, logicians, engineers, and physicists have all been brought together to become practical, real, and presentable ideas to the public. Whereas the principles that each of these scientists had discovered in their own field, did not have a specific meaning or application previously.

What are the innovations of Jobs and Marconi ?

From this point of view, the innovations of Jobs and Marconi can be considered not as inventions or discoveries, but as the creation of space and ecosystem for making products based on inventions and discoveries and presenting them. However, the term ‘innovation’ itself encompasses a range of different concepts; from the discovery of rules and principles to minor changes in response to customer demand or market conditions, they are all considered innovations. Innovations such as the proposing a theory or the development of knowledge in a field do not usually have a clear goal, and often even the definition of the problem itself is not clear. For this reason, there will not even be a clear understanding of who will be able to solve the problem through these innovations. In other cases where there is more knowledge of the subject matter, the purpose is clear and it will probably be somewhat possible to identify the persons who are able to solve the problem. For example, the discovery of DNA was initially considered to be the specialty of chemical scientists, but the mystery was eventually solved by combining chemical and biological perspectives. Some other innovations took place in a well-known field, but offer such a different perspective that change the dominant perspectives in the field and bring about transformation.

useless idea and innovations

Of course, all kinds of innovations are interrelated, and none will be possible without the other. The innovations leading to the advancement of a science are the basis of the innovations used in the creation of products and inventions. Similarly, small innovations in the marketplace and the provided products and services occur when newly-discovered rules and principles are properly understood, developed, and put to use practically. Moreover, disruptive innovations usually occur when previous innovations have paved a long path in the market and the major companies in the market do not have a solution to meet the different and new needs of customers, or they have ignored the understanding and perceiving these needs.

Innovation : How many types of innovation are there?

Depending on its position in the market and the business style it has chosen, each business must finally choose one of these methods of innovation as the main method and spend part of its capital on other methods of innovation. It should not be forgotten that creative and practical ideas are usually the result of applying impractical and dreamy ideas.

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