A glance at the market of ride-sharing (2020-2025)

Market Research

Ride-sharing or Real-Time Ride Sharing means a transportation service that allows you to use a private vehicle through a mobile application. Ride-sharing reduces commuting costs, air pollution problems due to lowering urban congestion. In addition to these advantages, the demand for such services decreases in economies for which the cost of fuel is low and the number of personal vehicles is high, and the demand appears in the form of environmental concerns. Unfortunately, the lack of proper technical and support infrastructure for businesses in this field limits the market growth.

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Market / Industry segment of ride-sharing

Base Year Market size(B$) Duration(YEAR) CAGR(%)Source Name
201934 7 6.50%GMInsight
2019 7.73 6 7.50%PR news wire
2018 61.3 7 19.87%Market and market
2017 6.68 8 7.50%Grand view research
2018 62.15 8 20.20%verified market research

Influencing factors that changes market size of ride-sharing

The size of the market value changes under the influence of many factors; the increase and decrease in the rate of these influential factors leads to changes in the value of the market size, which is provided by direct and reverse drivers in the market of ride-sharing

Direct drivers:

  1. Increasing concerns about public transportation safety
  2. The outbreak of viral diseases and infections

Reverse drivers:

  1. Increase in the ownership of private cars
  2. Limitations of technology and supportive infrastructure

This market may also be threatened by following risks:

In all different markets and industries, the risk is always one of the factors that business founders should be sufficiently aware of. The first step is risk assessment identifying risks in the market to perform risk management. The market of ride-sharing may also be threatened by the following risks:

  1. Technology risk
  2. Litigation risk
  3. Stage of business
  4. Legislation risk
  5. Competition risk

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