Risk Factors Summation
Risk Factor Summation Method is another qualitative valuation method often used when the startup has not reached revenue generation and its financial forecasts are not very reliable.
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Three steps in startup valuation with Risk Factors Summation
You have been asked 12 questions on how risky you see the business from this perspective. Depending on your experience, choose one of the very low to very high options for each question.
Based on the information you have about similar businesses which are operating at the same maturity and market level, insert a value in the questionnaire.
Click on the “Calculate” button and after observing the estimated value of your business, check the graphs provided by Retiba.
Startup Valuation by Risk Factor Summation Method
Risk Factor Summation Method is another qualitative method of startup valuation that is often used when the startup is not profitable and its financial forecasts are not very reliable. Risk Factor Summation Method provides you with the pre-money valuation, and its philosophy and view of valuation is such a way that according to its knowledge of the market, quantifies the risks the business encounters and considers the effect of the sum of these risks on pre-money valuation. Thus, the more adverse the risks to the business, the lower the value of the startup, and the more opportunities these risks bring about for the startup, the greater its value.
Considering the risks which a business encounters depends on the startup’s field of activity, its maturity level and other conditions that the valuer has considered, and there is no specific questionnaire like Score Cards Method, for Risk Factor Summation Method. Sometimes, due to the nature of the business, the operational (management) risk of the business is highlighted and the valuer considers different aspects to improve it, and sometimes it is possible that the environmental risks are further evaluated by the valuer.
Risk Factor Summation Method is carried out based on the comparison and experience. That’s why this method is applied to value pre-revenue startups that are in the early stages.
The main advantage of Risk Factor Summation Method is taking into account the critical risks of business in determining the value of a startup. For this reason, it is always recommended to the investor to apply this method at early stages. However, it should be noted that the dependence of this method on the perception of valuation team would decrease its accuracy.
It should be noted that in the process of startup valuation, it is not sufficient to reach a definite number as a result of valuation, and you as a valuator should be able to calculate the effect of different parameters on the valuation result.