In recent years, the demand for cryptocurrencies has risen sharply due to its acceptance by financial institutions and companies; therefore, crypto asset trading has become more reliable. It seems that venture capital and the use of strong cryptographic techniques in asset management solutions appear to play a significant role in market growth in the coming years although government and legislative interventions may limit this growth.
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Market / Industry segment of crypto assets management
Base Year | Market size(B$) | Duration(YEAR) | CAGR(%) | Source Name |
2019 | 0.754 | 8 | 11.20% | Fotune business insights |
2019 | 0.674 | 8 | 32.35% | Verified market research |
2019 | 0.674 | 9 | 32.35% | Market research blogs |
2019 | 1.03 | 5 | 6.18% | Market and market |
2018 | 856.36 | 6 | 11.90% | PR news wire |
Influencing factors that changes market size of crypto assets management
The size of the market value changes under the influence of many factors; the increase and decrease in the rate of these influential factors leads to changes in the value of the market size, which is provided by direct and reverse drivers in the market of crypto assets
Direct drivers:
- The number of venture capital investments
- Raising awareness toward the management of encrypted assets
- Advances in blockchain technology
Reverse drivers:
- Adverse economic conditions
- Government legislation
- Cyber attacks
This market may also be threatened by following risks:
In all different markets and industries, risk is always one of the factors that business founders should be sufficiently aware of. The first step is risk assessment is identification of risks in the market in order to perform risk management. The market of crypto assets may also be threatened by following risks:
- Technology risk
- Litigation risk
- Stage of business
- Funding risk
- Exit value risk